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Media & Technology

WORK toward personal high academic goals

The mission of our library and media & technology program is to ensure that students and staff are effective users of ideas and information.

The major goals of the media program are to provide:

  • Intellectual and physical access to materials in all formats
  • Instruction to foster competence and stimulate interest in reading, viewing, and using information and ideas
  • Instruction on computer use and exploration of a variety of software options
Achieve Technology
library and media & technology

Media & Technology Program

At Achieve, we know that communication, critical thinking, collaboration and creativity will be at the forefront in education now and in the future. This is especially true when it comes to tools and approaches that lend themselves to collaborative learning. That’s where technology comes to the forefront.

“Next generation online tools are facilitating student collaboration and communication, and allowing students to act as creators of knowledge, rather than just consumers. Collaborative learning models that drive student-centered learning and emphasize interacting, working in groups, developing solutions to real-world problems and communicating globally are the latest iteration of this trend.” (International Society for Technology in Education, 2018)

Our media center (library) is home to a variety of books - selected for student interests, reading levels and languages. It's a great place for students to imagine, think, create, share, learn, and grow.

Achieve Technology

One-to-one Computer Access:

The days of computer labs and scheduling hassles related to them have moved on to classroom sets of computers offering more immediate access to these important learning tools. We are close to meeting our goal of having computers available to every child at ALA on a one-to-one basis.

Smart Boards:

These interactive white boards provide opportunities for differentiation in teaching and learning, while strengthening real life digital skills for our children.

Educational Software:

Textbooks and academic support materials are plentiful through digital sources. We are proud to have found the best, research-based programs to support our teachers and children. Some of these include Study Island and Reading Eggs. Check out other links on the Classroom Pages.

Data and Assessment:

In addition to the mandated MCA tests every spring, there are many opportunities for assessments to help measure student growth and assist teachers in addressing individual needs. With the data that comes from these assessments comes the need for a way to access it in a way that is efficient and useful for teachers and families.


Tracey Estrada, Educational Assistant, Media
651-738-4875 x123

I have been part of the Achieve family for over 22 years, and the librarian for the past 3 years. I love to travel and play with my 15 month old grandson, Tristan. Stop by the library and "Check me out."


Wyatt DeWild, Technology Integration
651-738-4875 x1124

This is my 1st year at Achieve Language Academy. Before Achieve, I faclitated a STEM class, worked as a substitute teacher, and as a program director for my local YMCA. I earned my bachelors degree in Human Services from Saint Mary's University. When I am not working, I am usually watching my friends play sports or spending time with my family.

Computer Network & Internet Guidelines

Computer technology is a powerful tool for acquisition and manipulation of information. Students have daily access to computers and to the Internet. The Internet is an information system with great educational potential. The use of the Internet is a privilege. It is the school's responsibility to teach students the skills to be responsible users of the Internet and adopt guidelines for student use of the Internet.

Achieve staff work to control the Internet environment to provide access to the most appropriate educational sites and materials for students and staff. To protect the due process rights of students, the guidelines below define appropriate educational and ethical uses of the Internet at Achieve, identify individual student responsibilities, and outline the responsibilities of the school in carrying out these guidelines.

The Achieve network and computer storage systems may be treated like school lockers. Designated Achieve staff may review files and communications to maintain system integrity and ensure that students are using the system responsibly. Material stored on any computer is not private. Achieve will not provide access for recreational computing during school hours.

Student responsibilities:

  1. Use only Internet sites that are connected to what is being studied in class, or that a teacher has OK’d for use.
  2. Respect school rules and behavior standards.
  3. Use the computer network in a manner, which does not violate any laws, regulations, or copyright.
  4. Accurately represent self. That means using only your own name (not someone else's) and never use your whole name, or give your address or telephone number.
  5. Remember that email is not private. That means the teacher, or other people who operate the network can read it.
  6. Respect the privacy of others. That means that use of someone else's password to open or change anyone else's files will not be done.
  7. Respect computer equipment and the use of the network and share computer resources and time with other students.
  8. Do not manipulate or enter files or accounts that are not registered to you unless specifically directed to do so by school personnel.

Violations may result in the loss of access as well as other disciplinary and/or legal action.

Upcoming Events

November 1

No school - Staff day

All Day Event

November 4

Academic Committee

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

November 5

Governance Committee

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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