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Languages & Cultures


The mission of the language and cultures program is to provide students with an intensive language-learning environment that promotes bilingualism and cultural literacy. Our students will become global citizens, gaining authentic skills to communicate and navigate in the real world.


Languages & Culture Program

Achieve offers every student either Spanish or Hmong language class. Students attend Language class every other day, rotating with Music and Physical Education. Our school is a unique place because so many of our students come from a multilingual background! We strive to learn from each other and create a positive community. Our aim is to provide quality instruction for students of every level.


  1. Working to become bilingual learners.
  2. Respecting the strengths of all cultures.
  3. Being an active part of our vibrant community.

World Languages Standards

The national standards include:

Communication: Students converse, listen, read, write, and speak.

Cultures: Students understand traditions, beliefs, experiences, and accomplishments of the culture studied.

Connections: Students connect their learning to different subjects and world perspectives.

Comparisons: Students compare different languages and cultures.

Communities: Students interact and collaborate with the community as lifelong learners.

Learning another language is not only learning different words for the same things, but learning another way to THINK about things.

Upcoming Events

September 17

School Board Meeting

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

September 25

Fall Picture Day

All Day Event

September 26

Operations Meeting

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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