BELONG to and actively participate in the Achieve community and serve to better our neighborhood, city and society
At Achieve, we want the best for your child and that includes their physical, mental and social well-being. Healthy food, sleep and exercise are important for your child's development - academically, physically and emotionally.
It's important for children to get regular checkups with a health care provider to catch or prevent problems and check on their development. In addition, school-age children should see a doctor if you notice the following:
- Significant weight gain or loss
- Sleep problems or change in behavior
- Fever higher than 102
- Rashes or skin infections
- Frequent sore throats
- Breathing problems
Our health office is here to partner with you and your child to make sure they can shine bright during the school day. Let us know how we can help.

Medications at School
School personnel are not authorized to administer any type of medication, including over-the-counter medication (such as Tylenol or cough syrup) unless the following conditions are met:
- We must have a medical form signed by a physician.
- For prescription medication to be given for longer than two weeks, we must also have a medical form signed by a physician.
- Prescription medication to be given for less than two weeks must be brought to school in a pharmacy - labeled container and a permission form signed by parent/guardians. Permission Forms may be picked up in the school office. School personnel "supervise" students taking medication according to the directions on the form.
Health Insurance
Parents and guardians can find information on how to obtain health care coverage in Minnesota through MNSure
Additional Health Insurance Information
Mental Health Resources
Injuries or Illness at school
When minor injuries occur at school, trained school personnel will give first aid treatment. Parent/guardians will be called if there is a serious injury.
- Parent/guardians will also be called to pick up a child who has a temperature above 100 degrees, or diarrhea, vomiting, or a contagious disease. Please be sure we have your daytime phone number and at least one backup emergency number.
- If a child is sent home for a temperature above 100 degrees or diarrhea, vomiting, or a contagious disease, he/she may not return to school until he/she has been free of the condition for a minimum of 24 hours.
- An "Emergency Medical Plan" form should be on file for any child with an existing medical problem and/or allergy (such as asthma, seizures, allergy to bee stings, etc.). 911 will be called to transport a seriously ill or injured child. Parent/guardians will be notified immediately so that they can meet the paramedics at the hospital indicated on the Student Emergency Form.
- Every effort is made to prevent injury to any student or staff. Safety education is a part of every child's program. However, accidents will occur, and emergency first aid will be administered unless we are specifically instructed otherwise.
- Every attempt will be made to contact the parent/guardian, or emergency contact, regarding any accidents or injuries.
- In the event that the parents or emergency contacts cannot be reached, the St. Paul Police Department will be contacted for assistance.
- If needed, emergency calls will be made to 911 to request the assistance of paramedics.
- Staff will determine whether or not the need to contact emergency services before calling parents/guardians is necessary for the immediate safety of the child.
Communicable Diseases
A student suspected of having a communicable disease, or living with persons thus affected, shall not be permitted to attend school unless a physician specifically approves attendance. The parent/guardian should notify the school office when these types of diseases are discovered.
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