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Special Education


The mission of the special education department is to ensure through comprehensive teaming that all learners at Achieve receive the necessary services to be academically, socially, and emotionally successful at school.

Special education

Our Special Education Program

A strong sense of collegiality among our Special Education Team helps create a positive and safe learning environment for students. With a shared classroom culture, the team works together to support all of the students with IEPs in the building, rather than operating as isolated case managers. Students know they can talk to any of of the team members for help, not just their case manager.

Our approach is professional, comprehensive and personal. We are extremely proud of the work our Special Education Team does to make their students feel welcome and successful. Our team includes contracted specialists in several areas including, but not limited to speech and occupational therapy.


The three major student goals of our team are the following:

  1. Support instruction of "at risk" learners through an array of service options including consultation, team teaching, and small group instruction including Response to Intervention
  2. Develop effective interventions for individual students which build on unique strengths
  3. Provide special education services to students identified as meeting the Minnesota State Criteria

Be healthy and take care of yourself, but be happy with the beautiful things that make you, you.

Culture of Learning & Persistence

Here are some things we have in our special education room to help us create a respectful classroom with a culture of learning and persistence.

  • Organizational Tools
    Many of our students have difficulties with organization. As such, we have multiple systems in place to help support those needs in the classroom.

  • Colorful and Fun Learning Visuals
    These visuals enhance the learning for multiple learning styles. For example, visuals/pictures can help students remember Phonemes.

  • Appropriate Instructional Technologies
    Students use of Smart Boards and computers to access learning.

MN Department of Education Compliance

A particularly important “point of pride” for our Special Education team is that the Minnesota Department of Education has commended us for compliance with our Due Process files and indicated there were no negative findings. This is not a one-time occurrence. We say we are committed to due process and compliance, and we have proved we are.


Part of what makes our Special Education Team exceptional is the ability to team. In addition to daily teaming between Special Education teachers, where they support each other and develop strategies to help students, they also work closely with the classroom teachers.

Our staff is not isolated and forced to work on their own islands within the building. By working with the classroom teachers, Special Education teachers learn about how to support students with special needs by working so closely with the grade level standards. This allows all teachers to be flexible and able to adjust to the student’s needs on a day to day basis instead of only working IEP goals.

Special Education Staff

Lisa Pavel

Special Education Teacher

This is my first year at Achieve Language Academy and I'm so excited to be here! I ...

Amy Petschauer

Special Education Teacher

Hi, My name is Amy Petschauer. I am the Special Education Lead Teacher at Achieve. I ha...

Laurie Wagner

Special Education Teacher

I have been a special education teacher for the past 25 years in a variety of settings....

Upcoming Events

November 1

No school - Staff day

All Day Event

November 4

Academic Committee

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

November 5

Governance Committee

3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

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