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Food Service

RESPECT each individual's uniqueness, cultural heritage and opinions and ideas

Eating a healthy breakfast helps your child to do his/her best in school. Encourage your child to eat a healthy breakfast at home or at school each day.

​Both lunch and breakfast are offered every day at Achieve Language Academy. Menus are sent home with your child on a monthly basis and are available on the school website. Breakfast is served between 7:25-7:55 am.

breakfast time

Breakfast & Lunch

Staff members are always present to oversee the cafeteria while children are eating. Parents, guardians or grandparents are welcome to occasionally join their child for breakfast or lunch. (Parents/guardians are charged at the adult prices.) This is a great opportunity to provide additional adult support and supervision in the cafeteria, as well as see what goes on during your child’s day. Call the school office for more information on times and to let us plan ahead.

We offer free and reduced prices for qualifying students. Every family must fill out the free/reduced lunch application. If you qualify but do not have a current application on file, you will be responsible to pay full price for the meals your child(ren) consume(s). Full price breakfast is $1.60 and lunch is $3.25 for preK through 8th grade students.

Lunch Schedule

K:      12:20-12:40
1:      11:35-11:55
2:      11:45-12:05
3:      11:55-12:15
4:      12:05-12:25
5:      12:15-12:25
6:      12:25-12:45
7:      12:40-1:05
8:      12:40-1:05


Kindergarten students eat free. All meals are to be prepaid. There is NO charging of meals. Please send lunch check/money in a sealed envelope, labeled “lunch money” with your child's name, teacher's name, and the amount enclosed on front of the envelope. You will receive a notice when you child’s account is low. All food service accounts must be kept up to date. If there is no money in the account, your child will be served an alternative lunch until money is in the account. Any money left over in your child’s account at the end of one school year is transferred to the next year’s account.

Bringing Cold Lunch

If you choose to pack a bag lunch for your child, be sure to provide food that is portable, easy for your child to manage, and does not need heating. Lunches are kept in the student’s locker until lunch period – no refrigerators are available. Milk is available for purchase. Pop/soda is not allowed.

Food & Drinks

Achieve encourages healthy eating habits. Snack foods, candy, and soda drinks should not be included as a part of your child’s daily lunch. Please limit lunch snacks to fruit drinks, fresh fruit, and other healthy choices. Students may not bring snacks or candy to share with their tablemates at lunch. No breakfast, lunch food, or snacks from home, may be taken to the classroom unless for an approved class function or approved activity. We encourage you to send healthy individually wrapped snacks for birthday parties and other classroom parties. No chewing gum.

food service programs

Important Note

Our academic and food service programs receive additional state and federal funding based on our free and reduced lunch percentages.

Free and reduced lunch application forms are sent home at the beginning of each year for each family or are available in the School Office.

It is important that this form be filled out and returned, even if your family chooses not to participate in the food program.

Upcoming Events

February 17
February 25

Culture Fest

4:30 PM - 7:30 PM

March 3

Academic Committee

3:15 PM - 4:15 PM

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