Emily Vondriska
7th and 8th Grade Science Teacher
I have been teaching for many years! In fact, I have taught in 2 states and as a United States Peace Corps Volunteer in Eswatini (Swaziland), Africa, for 2 and half years. I also spent time in New Zealand, learning about sheep and living at various sheep stations. Other previous jobs included writing for a newspaper and being a florist. In my younger years, I played and coached volleyball and even played semi-pro, which was very competitive. I also spent over 17 years training dogs. I have 3 children who are doing wonderful things in the world. They all share my passion for science and animals. I live on a hobby farm and continue to have horses and dogs and a large garden with many flowers and herbs. I love outdoor photography, as well as drawing and being creative. My passion is the Earth and all the living things and that passion for our planet is reflected in my teaching.
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